Industrial Applications and Experience Track
Abstract submission | Oct 24, 2011 |
Paper submission | Oct 31, 2011 |
Author notification | Jan 23, 2012 |
Camera-Ready copy | Feb 5, 2012 (11:59 PM MDT) Jan 27, 2012 |
Papers in this track cover innovative implementations, novel applications of performance-related technologies, interesting performance results and experience in applying recent research advances to industrial situations on any of the topics of interest. All papers submitted in this track will be reviewed by the ICPE 2012 Industrial Track Program Committee for originality, quality, soundness and relevance. Papers in this track should be clearly indicated as "Industrial/Experience Paper". To qualify for this track, a paper must strictly satisfy the following 2 criteria:
- The first author must be from industry or affiliated with industry when the work was carried out (e.g., through an industrial internship)
- A majority of the authors must be from industry or affiliated with industry when the work was carried out.
Submissions must be in the standard ACM format or conference proceedings. Papers should be 5-12 pages double column including figures and tables.